SPRING BIRDIES By: Peggy Williams aka “Birdie of Mississippi” Spring is here and each morning I look outside to be surprised by the new Birdies that have returned after the long winter! American Goldfinches, Indigo Buntings and Rose Breasted Grosbeaks all came back this spring! Each one joyfully finding my yard to eat their fill of black oil sunflower seeds at my “All You Can Eat Buffet” and drink from their water bowls that never run dry! How do I know that they are so happy? I know by their singing merrily outside my window as their cheery songs wake me early each morning as they start their day! It is their praise in the highest form for God providing for their needs and they encourage me to do the same! So I begin my day with singing, too! As the weather warmed up on Sunday I watched as the birds went to our birdbath. First a chubby robin, next a tiny wren and finally a beautiful female cardinal splashed about and each had a big time bathing...