By Peggy Williams AKA Birdie of Mississippi

               When I began taking photos of birds in my backyard it was a way to relax and also to use my Christmas present!  I didn’t know that first day how my hobby would evolve into all that it has become.  A small business has developed and by faith I am taking baby steps to see where it may go.  Even though “Birdie of Mississippi” is still in its beginning stages it has taken diverse paths.  It is photography, social interaction, art, writing, drawing, painting, educational, technology, social media, presentations and public speaking, cultural and environmental.  With each step that I take into the world of birds I develop a new skill and desire to grow in knowledge.

               Three years ago I semi-retired, and some people would say these new activities are “Bucket List” items, but I call them experiencing the life that God has given me to the fullest!  I have felt God’s Hand leading me on this path to bring about “Birdie” Awareness.  “Birdie Awareness” isn’t just about pretty pictures of birds, but also a means of capturing people’s attention to the importance of birds to our planet…to humans.  Just as bees have a lot to do with our well being so do birds! 

               Audubon says on their website that “birds keep farmers in business.  They protect our drinking water by preventing erosion.  They slow down the spread of disease.  They keep the furniture industry supplied with lumber.  Their benefits to our world go on and on.”

               Birdie of Mississippi has brought awareness of birds by photos of birds that many didn’t even know existed.  Birds are a gift that God has given us and they are to be appreciated for their beauty and for their part in our eco-system.
                           My photos may be viewed on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest - “Birdie of Mississippi


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