Pandemic Bird Watching - September 15, 2020


One of my favorite rooms in my house is my kitchen.  Not only is it the place where the food is – yummy… it’s also the place where I can sit and stare out my kitchen window to watch nature unfold in my back yard.  Today is September 15th and there is so much activity in my backyard that it has me excitedly moving my eyes from ground to mid-air to air high above.  I haven’t been in the kitchen more than ten minutes and I have already watched a Blue Jay, a Brown Thrasher, a Robin, a Tufted Titmouse, a male Northern Cardinal and a Tennessee Warbler take joyful splashy baths in my birdbaths.  There are three American Robins waiting rather impatiently for their turns to bathe.  Mourning doves are stepping lightly on the ground routing around for dropped seeds from the feeders and juicy bugs crawling in the dirt.  Tiny Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are zipping right in front of me in pairs battling over who will get to sip on the brand new sugar water in the feeder, while other Hummers are dipping their long beaks with an even longer tongue down into the red Cannas that are growing tall in my flower box.  And on the branches of a nearby tree I see a male and female Cardinal watching it all just as I am at the window - yet from 15 feet above it all.  Buzzing quickly to the feeders are Carolina Chickadees grabbing seeds to fly off to a branch to crack the shell between their legs.  Then suddenly there is stillness and only the Mourning Dove is left plucking away in the dirt under my bird feeder gazebo and I am left wondering is there a hawk in the air or a cat hidden in the bushes? 

What a rush in a short period of time!  And what are others doing while I am enjoying nature? They are watching games shows and reruns on this Pandemic season of binge watching of season after season of old television shows and movies that they missed seeing at the Cinema.  


  1. Created a great image to enjoy while I sip my coffee! Beautiful.
    But I hope there's not a hawk about.

  2. Ha ha - I was just sipping on my coffee as I checked FB and saw your comment. Still not certain about the hawk, but haven’t seen any swooping down thank goodness!


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