Since I love bird photography I belong to several FaceBook Groups that share bird photos. Depending on the group the quality of photos may vary from photos taken with a cell phone to professional quality photos taken with very expensive cameras and huge telephoto lenses. One day a photographer shared a photo of a House Finch that was obviously very sick. The bird’s eyes were filled with gook and were very swollen. The photographer asked the group members if anyone knew what was wrong with this bird. The responses came in quickly and let the photographer know that her little bird had an eye disease called “conjunctivitis.” According to Dr. Sidney Taylor of Coldwater Vision Center – “Conjunctivitis is an eye condition also known as “pink eye”, where the conjunctiva becomes inflamed and irritated. The condition is most often caused by cold viruses, but can also be a bacterial infection or allergies. Conjunctivitis can resolve itself, but in some ca...