MI CASA ES SU CASA By: Peggy Williams aka “Birdie of Mississippi” Watching birds come to your yard to begin a home is a very exciting event both for you and for the bird. Birds are much like us when we search for a new home. They want to find a place where they feel secure, have their needs met and find peace and happiness. If a bird finds these things then they decide to build a nest and live there. Some birds are seasonal and come for a short while and then move on. They leave for either cooler or warmer weather or even just to go to eat some of their favorite foods! So if families of birds come to live in your yard they look to you to help them and provide for them. They need trees and shrubbery for homes and also for protection from predators. They also require bugs, delicious flowers that have sweet nectar, nutritious food in bird feeders and fresh water to drink and have a bath. Many birds come in the spring and stay...