Birds, of course, have been flying and living around me all my life.  I studied basic knowledge of birds in elementary school and I was taught the name of our State Bird – the “Mockingbird”, but I’m not certain that I would have known what it was if I actually saw one! But I could recognize local birds that live in the South such as robins, cardinals and a few more, but it didn’t extend too far past that. 

I have always been a very “busy” and “task oriented” person, but last spring things changed. During my early morning quiet time with God I read a Scripture “Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God.” Job 37:14.  In reading this I realized that I regularly fail to appreciate sunrises and sunsets, spring flowers in bloom, and yes “birds” because I don’t venture outside to register these happenings!  I have never been an outdoor person because I dislike heat, getting sweaty, bugs and getting bitten!  All, of course, happens to every person that lives in  Mississippi.                                                                                                               
God continued to speak to me through another Scripture – “Look at the birds of the air…” Matthew 6:26.  So one very cold Sunday afternoon I put on my husband’s camo hunting jacket and cap and sat very still in my backyard.  With my new Canon 70D that I had gotten for Christmas I watched the birds.  At the time I only had one bird feeder - a large red barn.  Because it was so cold the birds were steadily grabbing a sunflower seed and cracking the shells to eat the inside nut!  Until then I had not noticed the number of birds or the varieties that came to my own backyard!

My spiritual gift is “evangelism” and God has now expanded my gift to be a “bird evangelist.”  I share the beauty of God’s bird creatures and also the importance of birds to our environment with my grandchildren and family, friends, community clubs, schools and churches.  And I'm surprised at how many people have become "Birdies" because of my passion and joy that I have been given.

As a result of that cold spring day I developed a new small gift business called “Birdie of Mississippi”. I sell my photos printed on canvas and also packaged All Occasion Cards.
My photos may be viewed on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest – “Birdie of Mississippi”.
This Northern Male Cardinal was one of my first photos that I took that cold spring day.  I have been hooked on Birdies ever since.


  1. Enjoyed very much. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Margaret! Sorry that I didn’t reply sooner, but I didn’t get a notice that I had a comment! I appreciate your reading about my Birdies!

  2. Peggy, Hi! Love your website. My Horn Lake Middle School classes have been reading articles about birds. Would you come to speak to them one morning in January about the birds in Mississippi? You and I can talk about a date that's good for you. School resumes the week of Jan. 6.



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