By: Peggy Williams aka “Birdie of Mississippi”

Watching birds come to your yard to begin a home is a very exciting event both for you and for the bird.  Birds are much like us when we search for a new home. They want to find a place where they feel secure, have their needs met and find peace and happiness.

If a bird finds these things then they decide to build a nest and live there.  Some birds are seasonal and come for a short while and then move on.  They leave for either cooler or warmer weather or even just to go to eat some of their favorite foods!  So if families of birds come to live in your yard they look to you to help them and provide for them.  They need trees and shrubbery for homes and also for protection from predators.  They also require bugs, delicious flowers that have sweet nectar, nutritious food in bird feeders and fresh water to drink and have a bath.

Many birds come in the spring and stay if conditions are right for them.  They find mates and begin families.  Some birds share responsibilities after the eggs hatch and stay together to get their Birdies grown and able to leave the nest.  Many birds mate for life and stay together for many years.  Birds can live up to 20+ years if they have their needs provided and don’t fall prey to predators.

In my yard I love many different varieties of birds, but I have fallen in love with Northern Cardinals.  They are very sweet, polite birds that frequently mate for life.  I have watched them closely as they hang around with their mates in the trees.  They don’t fight for a place at the feeders, but sit patiently and wait their turn.  Though I have seen one or two that have nicely nudged a brother to move on if they sat and ate too long!

The male Northern Cardinal is the bright red feathered bird that many have told me are “angel visitors” to let you know that you are being watched over.  I don’t know if this is true, but I do know that God created a beautiful bird that brings many a happy smile when we see them!  Many live at my home and I have taken quite a few photos that celebrate their beauty!

The female Northern Cardinal I have always heard isn’t as beautiful as the male. As I have photographed them and really examined their soft feathers, their lovely coloring and features, I have found that they have a beauty of their own that is hard to compare.

I have done my best to provide for Cardinal couples to encourage them to stay in my backyard for my family and friends to watch and enjoy.  I put out lots of black oil sunflower seeds and fresh water.   I am thankful that they have chosen to live at my home and have raised families that have also stayed!

I have included several of my favorite photos of my “Birdie of Mississippi” Northern Cardinals and I end with “Look at the birds of the air.” Matthew 6:27.

My photos may be viewed on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest - “Birdie of Mississippi”.

Read my Blog @ http://www.birdieofmississippi.blogspot.com


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