By Peggy Williams AKA Birdie of Mississippi
Since I am not a professional in the study of birds, I do not know all
the scientific facts about birds.
Recently I found out how really angry “true” bird professionals could
become when I shared one of my photos of a sparrow on a Facebook site that is
mostly made up of bird scientists. I was
amazed at how tiny sparrows could stir up the dandruff of the bird community.
After a few mean sparrow comments were made the site administrator stepped in
and told them to knock it off that sparrows were needed in our eco-system! I laugh now at my ignorance of how such a
tiny bird could get their blood boiling, but I still love little sparrows. When I photograph birds in my backyard I often
see leaves jumping around on the ground and as I zoom in on the movement I see
tiny camouflaged sparrows hidden in the midst of the leaves searching for bugs!
The Bible references the sparrow 40 times in the Old Testament and 2 times
in the New Testament. Jesus spoke of the
sparrow to remind us that if God cares about the little common sparrow, how
much more does He care about us! “Are
not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground
apart from your Father. But even the
hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Matthew
10:29-31. This is a very comforting
Scripture that we are given by God who manages all of creation yet takes notice
of both the lives of these tiny birds and our lives.
His Eye Is On The Sparrow is one of my favorite spiritual
songs. During the holiday season many
people are not merry and bright, in fact, they feel afraid, discouraged and
lonely, but we must all remember that God cares and notices us all – not one
individual’s heart cry goes unnoticed by God.
Just as each human being is necessary and has a purpose for their life,
the little sparrow is necessary and has a purpose. The sparrow plays a large role in insect
control – yes, they have almost a total diet of insects! If we think that we have an insect problem
now, what if there were no sparrows? One
of the main insects that House Sparrows feed to their baby birds is
Unfortunately, there has been a rapid disappearance in sparrows as it
has been with all birds due to insecticides, pesticides, lost of habitat, free
roaming cats, and avian malaria. According
to Forbes.com – “The house sparrow, Passer
domesticus are alien invasive species that were either reviled or
overlooked by most serious birders. To
be fair, house sparrows are invasive in many places, but people intentionally
introduced these birds to these new places and the sparrows simply did the same
thing that people did under the same circumstances: they multiplied –
dramatically.” But now the sparrow
populations are declining and this once very populated bird is now considered
endangered. So remember during this
Christmas season, that the good news is that God cares for these tiny birds and
He cares for us. Just “Look at the birds
of the air….” (Matthew 6:26) and you will see that He has plans for tiny sparrows
and plans for you & for me.
My photos may be viewed & “LIKED” on Facebook, Instagram and
Pinterest - “Birdie of Mississippi”.
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