BY: PEGGY WILLIAMS AKA Birdie of Mississippi


As I scrubbed out the birdbath this morning to get the yucky stuff out of the bottom of it I thought I would sit outside for a while to watch the birds.  Even though we have had some mild weather the heat is back on the rise and I found myself feeling hot and sticky.  This is the end of August and temps are generally in the 90’s and so “hot” is not a big surprise, but I have gotten spoiled to the cooler days we have had. 


After I refilled the bird baths, I quickly decided to go inside and avoid the “dog days of summer.”  Even the birds seemed to be hiding in the shrubs and the trees to stay out of the heat.  They have had a busy spring and summer and this month is actually sort of a rest period for birds.  The spring is filled with hormones that motivate the male birds to sing mating calls to attract a female.  They also sing out to establish their territory to keep other males away.  According to – “even though the song sounds beautiful to us, to other males it may sound like, “Hey, buster, keep away from my turf!” After he finds his female and courts her, they begin setting up a nest.  Finding all the proper nesting materials and building a comfortable and durable nest is very energy consuming, but then the real work begins as the female sits on her eggs.  The male makes hundreds of trips to find caterpillars, worms and all sorts of bugs to feed his bride on the nest and then soon his hungry little hatchlings.  Defending the nest from predators is also a must for the parent birds while their little ones are so defenseless.  All these activities for the adult birds can tire and wear them out as they teach baby birds to fly until the fledglings can leave the nest.  And you would think that the hard work would be over after the birdies leave the nest, but there are still several weeks that they stay with Mom and Dad and learn to fend for themselves for food and shelter.  During that time the young birds “continue to “chirrup” for a tasty treat” says 


Some types of birds have more than one set of baby birds such as the Eastern Bluebird.  In the early spring I had a couple move in to our Bluebird Hotel and raise a nest of birdies and then a few weeks ago they came back and filled the nest again.  They will probably be leaving the hotel with their new family any day now. 


And if all these activities weren’t enough, it is also time for their feathers to molt and get rid of their worn out summer feathers and begin to get their new ones for the coming cold weather or a trip back south for migration.  So if you see some scary looking cardinals and blue jays looking back at you with no feathers on their heads – that’s why!


So after all the buzz of spring and summer most birds are ready for a little break.  They want a free meal at your bird feeders and to be able to sit quietly on a limb in the shade to try to stay cool.  When they do get too hot, you will see them hit the birdbath for a refreshing dip!  They sound a lot like us during these “dog days” - don’t they?  As I “Look at the birds of the air…” Matthew 6:28 I have enjoyed watching them from inside enjoying my AC.  

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