BY: PEGGY WILLIAMS aka Birdie of Mississippi


As the amount of birdseed increased daily that was required to keep my bird feeders full, I realized that more than birds were eating my sunflower seeds.  I have always known that the squirrels were eating my bird seed, but my feeders had never emptied this fast.  Then the next night they weren’t just emptied but my heavy duty Williamsburg styled bird feeder had its roof torn from its foundation and was lying scattered on the ground! I know my squirrels are agile and strong, but strong enough for this?  One morning I woke up extra early and it was still dark outside, but I decided to get up anyway and have extra quiet time with my Bible study.  As I was making my coffee I glanced out the window and saw something moving around my backyard under the security light.  And there in the darkness was a fat Momma raccoon swinging from the Shepherd’s hook with her mouth wide open guzzling sunflower seeds.  Down below were three baby raccoons catching the seeds that missed her mouth.  This woke me up fast as I realized exactly what had been going on during the night.  After a week of them terrorizing my bird feeders, them muddling up my bird water bowls with their dirty hands and feet, and me reading articles about “raccoon rabies” I decided they had to go!  But, then I read an article that said that even if you relocate raccoons they have a homing instinct and they come right back! You can take them 10 – 20 miles away and they will still come right back to their “home” – which is your home, too.


All this happening reminded me of another hot summer that we had several years ago.  I had my sprinkler running in my front yard and I came out of the house to turn off the water and move the hose.  As I rounded the corner I saw a raccoon bending low and she patted a pool of water on the ground and then delicately licked the water off her hands. And I thought “how cute!” She got her water and then moved on.  After moving my hose I went back inside the house to start supper.  As I passed by my basement door I saw thin long black raccoon fingers reaching out from under the door searching to see how she might be able to get inside my house.  I have to admit that I let out a blood curdling scream and Dennis came running and saw the little fingers creepily moving under the door.  He said I’ll get Lucy (our Labrador at the time) and we will go down to the basement and get that raccoon out!  So they did – Lucy went down the basement steps first, then Dennis following close behind her.  In about 30 seconds up comes Dennis and then comes Lucy and chasing them both is the raccoon! Out the backdoor they each run and begin to circle the house with the raccoon running close to their heels.  Dennis and Lucy dash into the house and the raccoon thankfully ran away and we didn’t ever see it again.  But, the memory of the chase has been a funny story to enjoy and retell over the years.


I have cut back to one day at a time of bird seed and now I have started back to putting ground red pepper powder in the bird seed.  Apparently raccoons don’t like the smell or the hot taste any more than the squirrels do, so I am in hopes that this will cause both squirrels and raccoons to stop coming to my feeders.  God is our Guide and I am asking Him to guide me into what will be the best way to get these critters to go live somewhere else other than my yard so that I can get back to what I love most and that is to “Look at the birds of the air….” Matthew 6:26.


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