By: PEGGY WILLIAMS AKA Birdie of Mississippi


This morning as I scanned my suggested articles on my Iphone, I read an article by called “Birding Is the Perfect Activity While Practicing Social Distancing”. I loved their article and one thing that I found of particular interest to me was that at the end of their article they said, “Wash your hands. Call your loved ones.  And, if it’s an option, look to the birds.”  In the wake of our President calling for a State of Emergency due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, there is much fear for our loved ones and for ourselves that can come upon us.  As I have shared with my readers, Birdie of Mississippi came about because one morning during my quiet time, I felt as though the LORD underlined with a yellow marker “Look at the birds of the air” – Matthew 6:26. On that same day, I began to photograph the birds and to share my photos with family, friends and then to the public - always pointing to this Bible verse Matthew 6:26. 


I would like to take this time to share that when my husband Dennis asked what I wanted for my Christmas present I told him that I would like a “Bird Feeder Pergola.” I found examples of regular pergolas on Pinterest so that he could get the general idea of what I would like.  After seeing photos of a few he understood what I wanted and set about buying the necessary supplies.  It is very special to me and is a major fixture in our backyard.  Due to the volume of rainy days that we have had we haven’t been able to totally set it up the way that we want it to look, but it does provide a central location for my feeders.  Due to its placement in my backyard, the majority of my birds fly directly in front of my kitchen picture window so now I can see my bird activity even better!  


I have been watching the birds eating on the new food items that I put out last week and taking photos in between the bouts of rain. I still haven’t had an Oriole come and eat on my orange slices (that I know of), but I have watched lots of finches eating on the Niger seed sock!  Each day I wait expectantly to see new arrivals come to eat and plan on having lots of Birdie photographs to share.


Meditating and watching birds come to my feeders calms my spirit and helps me draw closer to God.  Please join me in continuing to pray for our country and our world, our health VS the virus, health care workers, those working for a cure, and also for our world economy.  Trials are opportunities to see God work on our behalf and to have our faith strengthened and for our faith not to fail.  So don’t freak out, but pray and believe that our God is a Mighty God and that “with Him all things are possible”.  Matthew 6:26 (NKJV) “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”

My photos may be viewed & “LIKED” on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest - “Birdie of Mississippi”.

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