I Come to the Garden - 4/29/20

I Come to the Garden

BY: PEGGY WILLIAMS AKA Birdie of Mississippi

This past week has been a tough week with the unexpected loss of my baby sister Susan Rippee.  So many mornings and afternoons I have retreated to my backyard just to cry and watch the birds.  There is a hymn that we sing in church called I Come to the Garden.  The words are “I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses, and the voice I hear falling on my ear, The Son of God discloses….He speaks, and the sound of His voice is so sweet the birds hush their singing.” And this is how I have felt as God comforted me as He and I were alone with the birds.  As I mediated on memories and thoughts of my sister, I thought of others who have told me that they also have been comforted by birds during their time of grieving. 

The Male Northern Cardinal is a beautiful bird that many have felt that God sent especially to them to comfort them in their grief. There is actually a website called caringcardinals.com  The site asks for people who have had a Cardinal Experience to write them and share how a red Cardinal appeared to them unexpectedly after the loss of a loved one.  People share with them how the Cardinal came to them either during a grieving time or during a special occasion celebrating an event of their loved one.  You can read on the site individuals who share their cardinal appearances and how much this bird seemed to be sent as a heavenly sign from above.  Some of the stories say that the Cardinal even sang a song that cheered them. 

Many of you may remember the video that was shared on Face Book last year by a woman whose Grandmother said that she would send a Cardinal to her family to let them know that she had gotten to Heaven.  Apparently the grand-daughter and her Mom were playing Canasta (the grandmother’s favorite card game) with some of their family.  A Cardinal flew against their kitchen window and was knocked to the ground.  Her aunt picked up the bird and brought it inside to the card players to see.  They all felt as though this was their Heavenly sign.  They took the bird outside to release it, but it didn’t seem to want to let go of them and actually hopped on the daughter of the lady in heaven.  They put the bird on a branch and it finally flew off into the sky.  They quoted the Scripture Ephesians 3:20 – “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” They truly felt that God had answered their Grandmother’s prayer and had given them their own little miracle.

“Angels are near when Cardinals appear” is another thought of people.  I don’t know that Cardinals merit special notice as miracles or angels or even as a message from God, but I know that they are very beautiful and I find peace when I “Look at the birds of the air” Matthew 6:26. I give thanks that they are sent to my yard and I pray that if you need comfort from the loss of a loved one that God will send one of His birdies to you. 

My photos may be viewed & “LIKED” on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest - “Birdie of Mississippi”. E-mail: birdieofmississippi@gmail.com - Read my Blog @ http://www.birdieofmississippi.blogspot.com


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