BY: PEGGY WILLIAMS AKA Birdie of Mississippi


I recently started back to walking each morning in my downtown neighborhood.  I have always loved walking and today as I walked I had a spirit of thanksgiving come up from within me!  We have such a special little town to love, enjoy and call our home.  With everything that has been disrupted by this quarantine most of us have realized many things that we took for granted and it is easy to continue to take even the things happening right now for granted, too.  But, special memories can be made even now amidst all the unusual circumstances that we have going on in our lives.  It is very easy to look at only the bad things happening instead of enjoying the moments of the day.   While preparing to teach my Sunday school class I came across a song by Jeremy Camp called “Keep Me in the Moment.”  Jeremy’s song is very relevant to these times that we are living through and tells us to keep ourselves present in the happenings of the day and to savor these precious moments.  I think that many of us can ask our children their thoughts about the ice storm that we had in the spring of 1995 and most of them will have good memories of those cold days and nights.  The reason for our kid’s good memories are we were all home together with no television or special frills playing Monopoly and Candy Land and it became a very special time to them.  I think that many children will have special memories of this time, too, so we should absorb these days with all our hearts. 


In my “special memories bank” I remember one special morning where it had rained the night before, but it had stopped raining long enough for me to get in my morning walk. As I was walking through the parking lot of First Baptist Church I looked up at one of the electrical wires above my head and perched on the wire was a songbird singing its heart out.  Even though I am certain this birdie had had a very wet night, this robin was enjoying the freshness of the morning.  I stopped my walk and listened to its cheery song. 


Why was this bird so happy in spite of its wet circumstances?  So I decided to read up on a few reasons.  When it rains the water in the soil causes worms to come to the surface and insects come out to dry themselves, so a bird knows that it will soon have lots of tasty morsels to eat and it shares this good news in song to other birds according to Mercury News.com.  Birds also look at all of nature around them and their happiness with what they see causes them to sing – brainly.in.


Listening to birds sing is a very enjoyable and calming sound to listen to and on YouTube there are videos of birds singing in the rain that people pull up to appreciate and listen to.  As I “Look at the birds of the air…” Matthew 6:26 I want to learn from the birds and appreciate all my moments, the food that God has provided and all of nature that surrounds me as I sing and lift my heart up to praise during this “rain” (Covid-19 quarantine). 

My photos may be viewed & “LIKED” on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest - “Birdie of Mississippi”.E-mail: birdieofmississippi@gmail.com - Read my Blog @ http://www.birdieofmississippi.blogspot.com


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